Category Archives: Galleries

REIHNER Offers Optical Marvels

(Loveland Hall, Edinboro, PA – September 22, 2024) A Sunday reception opens Optical Marvels, a show of proto-cinematic devices inspired by 19th-century parlor amusements.  Toys like the thaumatrope and phenakistiscope were popular entertainments which depend on the ability of the human eye to retain two images at once.  Philm senior KT Reihner explores this “persistence…

MARSHALL Shows Photos

(Meadville, PA – July 19, 2024) Meadville’s Hatch Hollow is a fine art retail and mixed use coworking space which rotates exhibitions of local art every 6-8 weeks.  A Friday happy hour reception from 5-8 pm on July 19 welcomes the work of Edinboro photography student Avery Marshall to the comfortably-appointed gallery at 245 Chestnut…

Chicago Hangs KRAVCHENKO’s Work

(Chicago, IL – March 2, 2024) Woman Made Gallery, Chicago, recently selected work by PennWest Photography instructor Natasha Kravchenko for inclusion in its 25th International Open, a group exhibition on display until March 30. Kravchenko works in collage style – both real and created using Photoshop. Using various symbols such as ropes, mirror fragments, and…

Canadian Exhibit Picks KRAVCHENKO

(Edmonton, Alberta – January 27, 2024) Art Gallery of Alberta announces InFocus Photo: Identity Ether, a showcase of images which explore the concept of Self through a tapestry of cultural and societal ideologies, career, creativity, death, the psyche. PennWest Professor Natasha Kravchenko is one of eleven photographers included in the exhibition, on display until March…

24FA Aloha

A New President & Profs Moving Pictures Guild The Cool Kids Graphic Design Club Professor Pattullo Ceramicists Animation Club Tailgating Printmakers


FRANCIS Hangs “Exhibit A”

(Edinboro, PA – October 1, 2023) Sunday October 1, a reception opened Exhibit A, a show of photography by Philm sophomore Riley Francis. Hung in Bates Gallery, the collection is dominated by full-length portraits. “It grew out of portfolio work with Professor Scruton at a time when I was doing a lot of fashion photography.”…